Free Web Space
Free web space is very easy to find. There are hundreds of web
sites giving away free web space. The average usage for a web site is
1 megabyte, so you might want to take that
into consideration when selecting a host that fits your needs. For the
most current free web space provider, two recommended sites are
and The Free Web Page
Provider Review.
phatSTART - 5 megabytes
of space. They also provide free email, a free message board, and a free
3 Servers - 100 megabytes
of space. They "give" you a domain if your site reaches 200 visitors per
day. No word on their site about use of CGI. They add popups to your site
and your site address is long.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Angelfire Communications
- Start out with 5 megabytes of space, but up to 30 megabytes is offered.
They offer a few premade CGI Scripts, and they add popups to your web
BizLand - New provider
offering a large amount of space (35 megabytes). Included are a lifetime
email address, unlimited domain names, and web site statistics.
Crosswinds - They
offer 'Unlimited' space for your personal or non profit web site with no
ads. Business web sites get 25 megabytes, but they are required to put an
advertisement and a link back to Crosswinds.
Digiweb Freecenter - They offer
10 megabytes of space. They put no banners on your page. They also offer
a few cgi scripts
- 30 megabytes of space. eWebCity offers ASP support, something which most
web providors don't offer. Also, they do not put ads on members' sites.
F 2 S
- Freedom 2 Surf offers 20 megabytes of space, Perl scripting, PHP3 scripting,
and web statistics. This FWP is very new and its reliability is not known
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Fortune City -
100 megabytes of webspace for your web site. You also get a free email
account when you sign up.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Free Web - 5 megabytes
of space. CGI is allowed and they do not place ads on users' sites. They
also have some premade CGI scripts for people who want a message board,
guestbook, or form mailer.
Free Yellow - 12 megabytes
of space. They offer a form and a counter for you to use on your homepage.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
GeoCities - 15 megabytes
of webspace for you to use. They are now offering even more scripts for you
to use on your page and you get a much shorter address
(<user>) than offered in the past.
- "Unlimited" amount of space. GoJasper also offers members free email accounts
(up to 5 megabytes).
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Hypermart - 20 megabytes
of storage space. They also offer a personal cgi-bin for you to use.
Must have ad or popup on your page.
Mad Hosts - A new free
web space providor offering unlimited web space and bandwidth. A hosted site
is "required" to get at least 250 hits per day. Banners are required on every
page unless the site gets over 1,000 hits per day (in which a banner is only
required on the main page). Domains can be hosted.
Moo Cow Industries
- Moo Cow Industries (nice name..) offers 20 megabytes of space. They place
a banner and you can not use custom CGI scripts.
Netfirms - Netfirms
is a new FWP that offers 25 megabytes of space, full CGI, unlimited email
addresses, Microsoft Frontpage Extensions. You can host a domain with
them or a subdomain (, both free of charge.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Net Taxi - 25 megabytes
of web space. A free email account is included. When you sign up, you also
get access to their chat rooms and message boards.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
OneStop - 10 megabytes
of web space for your web site. FTP access is allowed. No CGI unless you
purchase the upgraded plan
Phiber Optix - 30
megabytes of space. They allow you full CGI bin access. You must be
their advertisement on your page, but they allow you to decide where you
want it.
Polbox - 2 megabytes.
No CGI what-so-ever. If you don't edit your web site/check your mail for
60 days, your web site will get deleted.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Prohosting - 15 megabytes
of space + CGI & SSI. They do not put ads of any sort on your page.
Rediff - Rediff allows
you to use up to 10 megabytes for your personal web site. They put
an advertisement on your page, and provide you with some CGI Scripts.
Files must be uploaded through a browser.
- 20 megabytes for your use. RegistryWeb hosts subdomains and domains (However,
only domains that are registered through RegistryWeb will be hosted free).
There are ready made CGI scripts (web board, guestbook, formmail), but you
cannot use custom CGI scripts.
Stormloader - 10
megabytes. Not much other info was offered on their site about what they
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Tripod - Tripod offers
11 megabytes of web space for you to work with. They offer a cgi-bin as well
as premade CGI scripts. However, they do put a pop-up on your page.
Unique Pages - They offer 10 megabytes
for your site. You can get a subdomain or a domain. Unique Pages offer a
cgi-bin for your use. This service is for businesses only.
- - 50
megabytes of web space. Not much more on their site about extras or if they
put ads on your site.
Web Jump - You get 25 megabytes, but
they add a huge ad frame to your page.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Web Provider - 10 megabytes of
web space for your use. They put a pop up on your web site, but they
offer full cgi.
*UPDATED* (4-16-00)
Xoom - 'Unlimited' space.
They put ads on your site, among other things.